Cobots Expert’s Breakfasts are cyclical meetings for media, discussing important aspects related to robotization. The sixth Universal Robots meeting discussed financing investments in robotization. The main areas covered were the return on investment in collaborative robots, experiences of customer from the SME sector, financial instruments proposed by the Foundation Future Industry Platform, the robotization tax relief project and flexible forms such as leasing and robot as a service. In the meeting participated Daniel Niepsuj, Universal Robots; Piotr Kryjom, Future Industry Platform; Nikodem Bernacki, Bernacki Industrial Services; Anna Kuptel, DLL and Krzysztof Dragon, RentCobot. Omega Communication is responsible for the concept and organization of the Cobots Expert’s Breakfast meetings within the scope of ongoing cooperation with Universal Robots.
More information in the article: https://www.isbtech.pl/2020/11/roboty-i-pieniadze-rozne-formy-finansowania-robotyzacji/