The seventh edition of the Cobots Expert’s Breakfast press meeting series organized by Universal Robots discussed: the vision and plans of Pavel Bezucký,
the new General Manager of Universal Robots in the Central and Eastern Europe region, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on investments in robotization and the DWD Group’s experience with collaborative robots. In the meeting participated: Katerina Slanska, Pavel Bezucký and Daniel Niepsuj, Universal Robots, as well as
Robert Mróz – CEO of DWD Bautech and co-owner of DWD Group.
Omega Communication is responsible for organization of the Cobots Expert’s Breakfast meetings as part of ongoing cooperation with Universal Robots.
More information in the article: https://www.wnp.pl/tech/universal-robots-rynek-cobotow-bedzie-rosl-o-25-30-proc-rocznie,476041.html